

Dr Chris Morrow wins Kesteven Medal at AVA Conference
Poultry Digest Volume 39, Number 6 (June/July 2024), p12. The Kesteven Medal is awarded to an Australian veterinarian in recognition of ...more

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR): an important one health issue for layer and meat poultry industries worldwide - Chris Morrow
2024 Poultry Science 103:103690 ...more

Australian Poultry Industries Antibiotic Use in comparision to Rest of World - January 2024
Poultry Digest & Australian Veterinary AntiMicrobial Stewardship Conference 2023 ...more

Can Asian native chicken production survive if antibiotics are banned? - Chris Morrow
Asian Poultry Magazine - February 2023 ...Click here

Overcoming the Challenge of Early Respiratory Disease Complex (ERDC) in Nigeria Poultry Space - ENSAPUH Veterinary Services
Guest Speaker - Chris Morrow ...Click here

Role of live vaccines in antimicrobial stewardship in poultry - Greg Underwood, Robin Achari, Chris Morrow
From Australian Veterinary Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference 2021 ...more

Oral lesions not associated with Mycotoxins - Chris Morrow
From AVPA Scientific Meeting 15 - 16 February 2017 ...more

Antibiotic Weaning
From XIVth European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, Norway (23-27 June 2014) ...more

How to Grow Broilers without the Routine Use of Antibiotics
From International Poultry Production – Volume 22 Number 4 (2014) ...more

A Snapshot of the Health of the Australian Poultry Flock - Chris Morrow
The poultry industry in Australia has an enviable health status ...more

Some Unique Things about the Australian Poultry Industries - Chris Morrow
The effect of forty years of quarantine on the range of infections seen here ...more


Veterinarians + Live Vaccines = One Health - Robin R Achari, David Choe and Ken S Chang
Vaccination, a historical triumph in public health, has been instrumental in safeguarding the health and well-being of both humans and animals...more

Mycoplasma Control Worldwide - Chris Morrow
From Poultry Med Publications 2024. Read the full publication here ...more

The vaccine improving the health of Australia's chickens - Anna Kanci Condello, Nadeeka Wawegama
Read the full article here ...more

Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the novel Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine, Vaxsafe MG304, after spray-vaccination of 1-day-old specific pathogen-free chicks - Anna Kanci Condello, Nadeeka K. Wawegama, Dilhani Ekanayake, Ling Zhu, Kelly A. Tivendale, Pollob K. Shil, June Daly, Sameera Mohotti, Philip Todhunter, Gregory J. Underwood, Amir H. Noormohammadi, Philip F. Markham & Glenn F. Browning
Mycoplasma gallisepticum causes chronic respiratory disease in poultry. A novel vaccine, Vaxsafe MG304 (the ts-304 strain), has greater protective efficacy in chickens than ...more

Avian Mycoplasmosis - recent updates - Robin Achari & Saidi Achari
From 5th Biennial Poultry Health Conference and National Symposium on "Poultry Health: Current Challenges and Future Strategies" ...more

Avian mycoplasma strain ID and anti-microbial resistance update
Click here for video

Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS) Technical Update - Hy-line International
Mycoplasma are the smallest free-living organisms both in size and number of genes ...more

Tech Bulletin 2020-01
Control of Avian Mycoplasma by Live Vaccination. MG ts-11 and MS MSH vaccines offer protection to poultry producers against the effects of field strain challenge ...more

Tech Bulletin 2020-01 (ES)
Control de Micoplasma Aviar con Vacuna Viva. Las vacunas MG ts-11 y MS MSH ofrecen protección a los productores de aves contra los efectos de desafíos de cepas de campo ...más

技术公告 2020-01
活疫苗免疫控制家禽支原体. 鸡毒支原体活疫苗(ts-11株)和鸡滑液支原体活疫苗(MSH株)为家禽提供免疫保护 ...

Tech Bulletin 2015-02
Serology after ts-11 and MSH mycoplasma vaccination ...more

技术公告 2015-02
使用血清方法评估TS-11和MS-H疫苗效果 ...

Tech Bulletin 2015-01
Vaccination of Turkeys with MSH and ts-11 vaccines ...more

Tech Bulletin 2012-02
Egg Apical Abnormality; EAA appears to be associated with one strain of MS; Vaccination to prevent EAA ...more

Tech Bulletin 2012-01
How to assess the effectiveness of your mycoplasma vaccination programme in broiler breeders; How to get mycoplasma free DOCs; How do you know if your MG and MS vaccinations are working? ...more

Vaccine Strains and Recent Experiences with Serological Testing Following Field Vaccination with TS-11 and MS-H in a Broiler Breeder Operation in Australia - Kevin G Whithear & Peter C Scott
Vaccination is becoming increasingly accepted as an effective tool for controlling mycoplasma infections in breeder and layer flocks ...more

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - The Importance of Avian Mycoplasma Control in Decreasing Antibiotic Dependence - Chris Morrow & Robin Achari
Paper presented at the Poultry Health Conference 2019 ...more

Role of Live Vaccines and Biosecurity in Control of Mycoplasma and Reduction of Routine Antibiotic Usage in Chickens - Robin Achari, Chris Morrow & Greg Underwood
Paper presented at the International Poultry Symposium 2018 ...more

Diminishing Control of Avian Mycoplasmas - Robin Achari & Chris Morrow
Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Conference and National Symposium of Association of Avian Health
Professionals ...more

The Role of Control of Avian Mycoplasmas in Antimicrobial Stewardship - Chris Morrow & Glenn Browning
From International Hatchery Practice 2018 ...more

Practical Mycoplasma Control for Poultry Production in Asia - Chris Morrow
From International Poultry Production, March 2017 ...more

2nd International Avian Mycoplasma Conference: infection versus disease - Chris Morrow
From International Hatchery Practice 2016 ...more

Practical Mycoplasma Control for Asia - Chris Morrow
From Poultry Focus, Bangkok, March 2016 ...more

Practical Mycoplasma Control for Asia (ppt) - Chris Morrow
From Poultry Focus, Bangkok, March 2016 ...more

The past, present and future of the control of M. hyopneumoniae infection - Chris Morrow
Using our experiences with MG ts-11 and MS-H in poultry, we star-gaze the likely use and impact of Vaxsafe® MHP (M.hyo ts-19) in the swine industry.
Minimal disease status has been suggested as a strategy to limit the impact of infections in the swine industry by ...more

Application of Mycoplasma Synoviae Vaccine (MS-H) in Layers - Teruaki Ouchi, Yasuhisa Munakata & Hiroshi Sakamoto
From 58th Western Poultry Disease Conference 2009 ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Control - Central for Antibiotic Independent Production - Chris Morrow
From Poultry Industry > Technical Article - 17 Nov 2015 ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Control - Central for Antibiotic Independent Production - Chris Morrow
From 64th Western Poultry Disease Conference, 22-25 Mar 2015, Sacramento, CA ...more

Mucosal Immunity from Live Vaccines, Relevance, Induction and Practical Veterinary Implications - Chris Morrow
From Australian Veterinary Poultry Association (AVPA) Scientific Meeting - 11th & 12th February 2015 ...more

Top Breeder Performance with Improved Mycoplasma Control - Chris Morrow
(from 'International Hatchery Practice' magazine)
A medium sized broiler day old chick supplier into the Indonesian market, P.T. Peternakan Ayam Manggis, use Cobb 500 grandparent stock and have a production base of about 800,000 ...more

Control of Avian Mycoplasma Infections by Live Vaccines Allows Elimination of Routine Antibiotic Administration - Chris Morrow
From 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, 19-23 Oct 2014, Jeju Korea ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Conference looks at recent advances in control - Chris Morrow
(from 'International Hatchery Practice' magazine)
The first International Avian Mycoplasma Conference was recently organised by the Belgian veterinary practice, Vetworks, to inform veterinarians about recent advances in the control of avian mycoplasmas ...more

Growth, reisolation and titration of M. gallisepticum ts-11 and M. synoviae MSH vaccine strains - the need for an appropriately validated media - Chris Morrow
From 20th Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM 2014) ...more

Mycoplasma synoviae; the last piece in the puzzle - Chris Morrow
(from 'International Poultry Production' magazine)
For a long time antibiotics have been used in poultry and egg production but there is considerable consumer/regulatory pressure, price pressure and technical reasons why the administration of antibiotics on a routine basis needs to be phased out of these production systems ...more

Rational Reduction in Antibiotic Dependence by Total Mycoplasma Control - Chris Morrow
From 63rd Western Poultry Disease Conference - ANECA, 1-5 April 2014, Mexico ...more

Mycoplasma synoviae; the last piece in the puzzle
Paper presented at Poultry Focus Asia 2014, 3-5 March 2014, Bangkok Thailand...more

MS-H Vaccine Eyedrop Suspension
One drop away from solving your problems with mycoplasma synoviae...more

Control of Mycoplasma can Minimise the Effect of all Respiratory Infections and Greatly Reduce Antibiotic Dependence - Chris Morrow
Effective control of mycoplasma infections offers chicken and egg producers great advantages ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Vaccination - Chris Morrow
From WVC2013 - Current practises and benefits including decreased antibiotic dependence ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Control in Asia - Chris Morrow
A presentation from 'Health' Poultry Health Conference, Bangkok 14-15 May 2012 ...more

Mycoplasma Control in Asian Countries - Chris Morrow
Asian poultry production systems rapidly adopt and often adapt new health protection strategies, but ...more

Prevalence of Mycoplasma Synoviae in Eggs from Laying Hens using Elisa - Gole, Chousalkar, Lievaart & Roberts
From 23rd Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium) The importance of M. synoviae is well established in broilers but only a few studies have been conducted in layers ...more

Avian Mycoplasma Myths - Chris Morrow
Paper presented at Poultry Focus Asia 2012. Dr Chris Morrow discusses common misconceptions about avian mycoplasmas ...more
Presentation from Poultry Focus Asia 2012 (Bangkok, Thailand) ...more

History of Avian Mycoplasmosis in Australia - Kevin Whithear
Although poultry have been legally imported into Australia and New Zealand for the last 20 years ...more

Mycoplasma ts Vaccines - 20 years field experience, pen trials and myths - Morrow & Whithear
The recognition of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) as a major cause of sickness in intensively farmed chickens led initially to two main approaches for control ...more

Mycoplasma gallisepticum Vaccines in Broiler Breeders - Francisco Rojo
Worldwide, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is an important pathogen of poultry responsible for economic losses caused by complicated post vaccinal reactions ...more

Use of MS-H Vaccine in Broiler Breeders - Peter C Scott
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is usually considered by poultry producers as a clinically inapparent respiratory infection of poultry. Many, though, have experienced severe economic losses due to MS ...more

Marek's Disease

Marek's Vaccine Administration
For non-commercial and hobby farms, click here for a step by step instructional video for administering Marek's vaccines.


Duration of Immunity from Vaxsafe® ST in Layers - Abs EL-Osta, Youil, Scott, Morrow
Practical protection against Salmonella for the egg industry ...more

Protecting Consumers from ST Infection - Chris Morrow
From Poultry Digest Vol 36, No 2, p24. October/November 2020...more

Preliminary Analysis of the Duration of Protection of Vaxsafe® ST Vaccine Against Salmonella Shedding in Layers - Abs EL-Osta, Mohotti, Carter, Kuchipudi, Youil, Underwood, Scott, Morrow
From 26th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium - Sydney, New South Wales, 9-11 February 2015 ...more

Development of Salmonella Vaccination Strategies for the Australian Poultry Industry - Jackson & Underwood
Australian poultry producers are coming under increasing pressure from food authorities and retailers to reduce the level of Salmonella contamination of all poultry products ...more

Infectious Bursal Disease

Should Australian broilers be vaccinated against immunosuppresive infectious bursal disease viruses? - Clive Jackson & Gregory Underwood
Although the pathogenicity of Australian field strains of IBD viruses is believed to be low, some variation in antigenicity has been demonstrated associated with clinical disease due to IBD ...more

Newcastle Disease

The Role of Vaccination in the Eradication of Virulent Newcastle Disease in Australia particularly in relation to the Egg Industry - Clive AW Jackson, Gregory Underwood, David De Laney
Australia claimed freedom from Newcastle disease (ND) in 2001 following the successful eradication of virulent ND from infected farms. The virulent virus was shown to have been derived from a series of mutational changes of the F protein cleavage site in endemic lentogenic virus ...more

Effect of Maternal (passive) Antibody on Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Replication - Greg Underwood, Clive Jackson, Lyn Coleman, David De Laney
Could deviation from the national standard operating procedures (SOPs) contribute to evolution of virus virulence? ...more

Newcastle Disease Vaccination Programs for Broilers, Layers and Meat Breeder Chickens - Greg Underwood, Clive Jackson
All Australian states currently require commercial poultry to follow mandatory vaccination programs ...more

Pasteurella Multocida

Experiences with a safe live Pasteurella multocida vaccine - Chris Morrow
Recent advances in understanding of the LPS structure of PM isolates has explained the limitations of Heddleston serotyping in predicting protection by killed vaccines ...more